Slide PROPA FOOD BAR Smoothie Bowl
using @fitfood_guru Blue Spirulina
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FitFoodGuru Story

My love of simple, healthy food creations, entertaining and the desire to style every meal I create for my family, inspired me to create an Instagram page called @fitfood_guru so that I was able to share my creations and ideas with like-minded individuals.

As a fitness fanatic I’ve always experimented with “first to market” health & fitness ingredients and products. I follow similar pages that inspire me, keep me motivated or have the same vision as I do…. to create healthy, quick and easy meals for my family.

My full time occupation for the past 16 years has been in the nutraceutical & supplementation industry which has allowed me broader knowledge about sourcing key ingredients, experience in the quality assurance of products and made me more conscious of the importance of looking after the general health of my family. Nutrition plays a pivotal role in our health and so many diseases are preventable or manageable with the correct diet and supplementation.

Combining all of the above drew me closer to exploring superfoods and how I could Incorporate it into our diet but only to realize there were many amazing ingredients that aren’t readily available to the South African market. This my fellow FitFoodies, is how FitFood Guru Superfoods was born!

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